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Bandung Institute of Technology: This program in Bandung was held at Garut Village for the first time, with visit to the past SEED village of Cisondari

4th SEED Program:


This 5th SEED program in Southeast Asia was held in Cisondari Village, Bandung

3rd SEED Program:


5th SEED Program:


SEED Program was held in Cisondari, Bandung, and was the 8th SEED program in Southeast Asia

6th SEED Program:


Bandung Institute of Technology:

This program was held at the village of Pangalengan in Bandung and is the 10th SEED Program in Southeast Asia

7th SEED Program:


Bandung Institute of Technology:

This program at the Village in Pangalengan, Bandung is the 12th SEED program in Southeast Asia

8th SEED Program:


Bandung Institute of technology :

This SEED Program at Pangalengan, Bandung was th e13th SEED Program in Southeast Asia

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