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SEED Training Workshops


Universiti Malaysia Kelantan:

This was followed by workshops led by Prof.Chong  (ALN Executive Director), Prof. Naya (ALN Chairman ), Dr Rudito Bambang and Dr Agung Wikaksono (who were all Visiting Professors or Lecturers at UMK); and site visits to proposed SEED sites.

ALN Research Workshop


Banking University HCMC, Vietnam:

ALNC meeting followed by Workshop on Strategic Entrepreneurship" the next day led by ALN Executive Director, Prof  Chong, who was a Visiting Professor at the Banking University.

SEED Workshop


Prince of Songkla University:

Prince of Songkla University became a member. SEED workshop for PSU students on "Successful Community Based Businesses in ASEAN, " conducted by Prof Dr Chong Li Choy, Prof Dr Bambang and Prof  Dr Farok at the PSU Hat Yai Campus

ALN Research Workshop


Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia:

Research Workshop led by Prof Chong on "Developing Academic Research from SEED"

ALN Workshop for Indonesia Universities


ALN SEED Workshop for Indonesian universities led by ALN Executive Director, Prof Chong  who was also a Visiting Professor at ITB

SEED Conference


UMK in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:

Keynote Speech by ALN Exwcutive Director, Prof Chong and presentations from former SEED students and facilitators

SEED Facilitators Seminar


San Beda College: Seminar conducted by Prof Chong

SEED Training of Trainers &

Manual Writing Workshop


Universiti Malaysia Kelantan:

Social Entreprise for Economic Development(SEED) Training of Trainers seminar by Prof Chong and Module Writing Workshop at the Premiera Hotel Kuala Lumpur

UniMAP SEED Seminar


Universiti Malaysia Perlis:

Presentations on "New Developments in Entrepreneurship Education: The Social Enterprise for Economic Development (SEED) Program", by ALN Executive Director, Prof Chong,  who was also a Visiting Professor to UniMAP to faculty and student of UniMAP

SEED Facilitators' Seminar


San Beda College: Seminar conducted by ALN Excutive Director, Prof Chong who was also a Visiting Professor at San Beda

Thaksin SEED Program 2015


Thaksin University, Songkla, Thailand: Presentation by ALN Excutive Director, Prof Chong together with Thaksin's SEED students and faculty  of Thaksin University

UMK SEED Conference


Conference and Exhibition with the theme: "Social Entrepreneurship Uniting the Diversity of ASEAN" with Keynote Speech by ALN Executive Director, Prof Chong

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